Monday, September 4, 2017

What Is a Septic Repair Atlanta GA?

Septic Tank Install Atlanta GA, Septic Systems Install Atlanta GA, Septic Tank Pumping Atlanta GA, Septic Tank Repair Atlanta GA, Septic System Service Atlanta GA, Septic Repair Atlanta GA

Most big-city folks don't ever have to wonder, "What is a septic tank Install?" That's one of the privileges of living in a heavily populated area. The local municipality, generally the city, has its own wastewater treatment facility, and all the homes and businesses are hooked up to it. When you flush, take a shower, or do a load of laundry, all the water that is used runs through the pipes in the building, out through a main line, through the city sewer system, and to the wastewater treatment plant. However, laying the lines into neighborhoods is expensive and some areas, even in large cities, still don't have access to the municipal wastewater treatment plant.

What is a septic tank repair? In short, it's one part of an on-site wastewater treatment facility, used in homes and businesses that don't have municipal sewer access or that have not yet hooked up to it.

What is a Septic Tank: The Basics of Operation

When a home or business doesn't have sewer access, the main line from the building connects to a septic tank, or a reservoir for wastewater. It's outside the building and is normally buried underground, so it's oftentimes undetectable, even if you're looking for it. The reservoir deals with the first stage of cleaning the wastewater, so it can return to the environment safely and won't pose a health risk to people and animals in the area. When the wastewater gets into the reservoir, it divides into three layers; scum (buoyant materials that float), sludge (dense materials that sink), and effluent (liquid/ water). In the reservoir, natural bacteria goes to work devouring the solids, so as much as 50% of the sludge can be converted into liquid or gas. As the effluent levels build up, the liquid is enabled to pass through to a second compartment of the reservoir or it may move onto a discharge area. The remaining sludge and scum build up, and have to be pumped out every so often. Most homes need pumping every 3-5 years, but others could require pumping annually, to make sure the system continues to function in top form.

How the System Works Together

When the effluent departs the reservoir, it's still not clean, but it is free of most particles. The soil generally has bacteria and will finish cleaning the effluent, but the effluent must be discharged smoothly, so the soil can absorb it properly and the bacteria can function. The part of the system that discharges the effluent is often refe rred to as an absorption area, leach field, or drainfield. Leach fields send the effluent through a series of underground pipes that are perforated, letting it to slowly seep into the soil.

Let Atlanta Septic Tank Pros' Partner Technicians Help You with All Your Septic System Needs

If you have or need a septic system, "What is a septic tank?" is going to be the first of many questions you'll have. Our partner technicians are friendly and knowledgeable, and can answer all your questions, as well as install, pump, inspect, and maintain your system. Call us at (404)998-8812 today.

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